Elke Jordan Papers
Identifier: HisGP-EJ
Eric Juengst essay, "Self-Critical Federal Science? The Ethics Experiment Within the U.S. Human Genome Project"
Digital Work
Identifier: HGP-DO-044
Found in:
NHGRI Human Genome Project (HGP) Archive
Elke Jordan Papers
ELSI Files
Eric Juengst paper "Self-Critical Federal Science? The Ethics Experiment within the U.S. Human Genome Project", ELSI [Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues], "Outline of Plan for ELSI Working Group Evaluation", ELSI Mission Statement, 1995 - 1999
Nancy Wexler, Chairperson of Joint NIH/DOE Working Group on the Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues of the Human Genome Project, statement before U.S. House of Representatives ("Wise Hearing"), October 17, 1991
Digital Work
Identifier: HGP-DO-047
Found in:
NHGRI Human Genome Project (HGP) Archive
Elke Jordan Papers
Budget, Appropriations, and Congressional Files
Congressional File
Congressional Hearing on the Possible Uses & Misuses of Genetic Information, Subcommittee on Government Information, Justice, and Agriculture, Testimony of Bernadine Healy, Nancy Wexler (ELSI) testimony ("Wise Hearing"), 1991-10-17
NIH Consensus Statement on Genetic Testing for Cystic Fibrosis, news clippings
Digital Record
Identifier: HGP-DO-052
Reston, Virginia "Center Directors" Meeting December 1994, materials and correspondence
Digital Work
Identifier: HGP-DO-042
1994-12-15 - 1994-12-16