Box FC-46
Contains 36 Results:
March 13, 2003, ABI (Applied Biosystems) Meeting for HapMap, 2003
Correspondence with Jim Mullikin, Francis Collins, Arthur Holden, and David Bentley regarding Celera reads vs latest public reads for SNPs. They hoped to keep track of SNP rates to help with future negotiations, especially with a potential agreement between TSC and ABI. Francis also hoped to question the access to the cSNPs that ABI/Celera were generating at the time.
ABI/Celera, SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) for HapMap, 2002 - 2003
October 28-29, 2002, Press Conference announcing HapMap Project, Washington Marriott, Francis Collins handwritten notes, 2002
Documents from the International HapMap Project. This includes a document from their Press Conference and a press release stating the launch of the International Consortium's Genetic Variation Mapping Project to help identify genetic contributions to common diseases. Documents also include a Background on Ethical and Sampling Issues Raised by the International HapMap Project and an agenda for a strategy meeting for the International HapMap Project on October 27, 2002.
HapMap Steering Committee, 2003
Documents from the HapMap Consortium Steering Committee and the Hap Map Analysis Group. On February 9, 2003 the Analysis Group put together an evaluation to guide selection of SNPs for the HapMap project. Documents also include a final draft of the "Data Protections Position" for the HapMap Project, and Arthur Holden's Memorandum "Intellectual Property Rights and the Haplotype Map Project."
Perlegen SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms), 2002 - 2003
Documents regarding Perlegen's contribution in SNPs and haplotypes to the HapMap project. These include correspondence between Francis Collins and the Hapmap management with Brad Margus with options of collaboration for Perlegen to consider. Correspondence also includes more negotiations and issues with Arthur Holden regarding this collaboration along with prices for buying access to non-pubic Perlegen SNPs across the genome.